


Associations Junior Pennant is a competition conducted by Tennis Victoria and is played between the metropolitan Associations, including Geelong, Berwick and Peninsula Tennis Associations. It is intended to complement, not replace participation in your regular club competition. It is for the more advanced and keener players. It is different from Pennant competition in that it is for juniors, and instead of playing for your club, you play for your association (Eastern Region Tennis or ERT) against other associations.

The main features of the competition are:

  • Competition is on Sunday mornings commencing on Sunday, 11th August and concluding on Sunday, 10th November 2024, finishing with a finals match (top two teams in each section) on Sunday, 17th November.
  • Matches commence at 8.30am and finish (no later than) 1.00pm.
  • 10 and under section is an open gender section – any combination of boys and girls is permitted. The season will be shortened for the 10 & under age group, only starting on September 1 and running for just 7 weeks. This is to enable the Super 10 season to conclude before the Junior Pennant commences.
  • The 12, 14 and Opens are gender-based teams.
  • Junior Open is a combined 15 – 18 year old gendered section, dubbed Junior Open Boys and Junior Open Girls. Age for all sections is determined as at 31 December 2024.
  • Teams consist of five or 6 players (if selection permits), with four to play each week.
  • Each member of the team plays one singles rubber (2 sets with deciding 10 point match tiebreak at 1 set all) and one doubles rubber (8 game set) per match.
  • The cost charged by ERT is rising this year, to $75. This partly reflects rising costs that ERT encounters, but mainly is to cover a nominal payment that ERT will make to host clubs for use of their courts. More clubs are refusing to make their courts available without such a payment.
  • A final but very important change is that while we have adopted a policy of finding a team for all players in the past, this year we will be more selective, in line with a determination by Tennis Victoria and associations to restrict the competition to the more advanced players. Other players can continue to play at a club level. Selection will utilise a player’s UTR. We will refund the application fee to all unsuccessful applicants less a $5 administration charge.
  • In particular, it should be noted that each association will be limited to two 10 & under teams this year (previously ERT would customarily field 4 teams).
  • No matches will be played during school holidays and the Melbourne Cup weekend in early November.

ELIGIBILITY –All players are required to have played 6 matches for their club in ERT’s association competition over the previous year (this does not include Tennis Victoria pennant matches). However, we can seek dispensation for any players short of their 6 qualifying matches due to injuries or special circumstances.

From entries received, the Tournament & Development sub-committee will select the teams for 2024. Limited trials may be held to assist with selection, but grading of teams will primarily be governed by Universal Tennis Rating of players. If necessary, players required for a trials evening will be notified.

A COMPETITION FEE OF $75 must accompany nominations.


Most players will be playing regularly, having coaching and playing tournaments.

10 & under Born 2014 or later UTR 2 or higher
12 & under Born 2012 or later Open Rubbers 1-16 JOSD 1 – 4 BSD 1-4 GSD 1- 3 UTR 2.5 for girls, 3.5 for boys
14 & under Born 2010 or later OR 1-10 JOSD 1-2 BSD 1- 2 GSD 1-2 UTR 3.5 for girls, 4.5 for boys
Junior Open Born 2006 – 2009 OR 1-4 JOSD 1 BSD – 1 GSD- 1 UTR 5 for girls, 6 for boys

** And comparable Sunday & Senior grades for all ages.

Parents should submit a completed Parental Consent form and pay the Team Fee for each player by FRIDAY 14 JUNE 2024.
Please click on this link to complete the on-line form:

  • Players must be committed to being available for the whole 10-week season (plus 1 week of finals if required). That means you don’t have to play every week, there is a roster, but you must be available for most weeks of the season. It also involves a conflict with parts of both the winter and summer Sunday morning competitions. If this affects you, then it is necessary to have a careful discussion with your club’s junior convenor to ensure your absence while playing AJP can be covered within the club.
  • No refund payable to any player withdrawing from a selected team – with the exception of injury prior to commencement date of Sunday, 11th August 2024.
  • The wearing of Eastern Region Tennis uniform is compulsory. A Uniform purchase evening will be advised via your Junior Convenors, by direct email to you, and posted on the web site.
  • Trial dates, venues, times, and team selections will be communicated via email and will also be available on the Eastern Region Tennis website at
    • Applicants will be advised directly of team details and teams will be posted on the web site.If you have a query regarding the Eastern Region Tennis Association Junior League program, please contact a member of the Tournament/Development Committee:
      • Chris Thomson 0425 759 399, Jonathan Manton 0401 714 410, Rob Phillips 0400 828 851, & Leni Harrison 0417 536 801

  • The Pat Cash Cup, now known also as State Team Championships, will maintain an AJP qualification. To be eligible for selection in the ERT team at those Championships in February 2025, Tennis Victoria will insist that you must have played at least three matches in the Junior Pennant this year.


Friday June 14Applications via on-line entry close
Sunday 30 JuneTeams selected and entered to Tennis Victoria – unsuccessful applicants notified
Mid JulyTennis Victoria grading should be completed – team details available
Friday 26 JulyUniform Collection evening Team rosters distributed
Sunday 11 AugustFirst Match
Sunday 17 NovemberGrand Final Day

Chris Thomson Eastern Region Tennis 0425 759 399